Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Civil War and The Sutler’s Major Role

As per Merriam–, civil war is defined as ‘a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country’. There have been several civil wars in history. And the nature of a civil war is such that it corrodes the very being of the country and cripples its economy. Often, there are external forces such as a group of countries (who are on friendly terms with each other) responsible for inflicting such a blood sapping attack on their enemy country by helping two sides against one another. Now, the sheer politics of such a situation is believed to be the fact that both sparring sides are led to believe that they are the only ones in control of this sponsor who is aiding them to create a situation of disorder in order to seek revenge or to fulfill any other ulterior motive.

The American Civil War was a landmark in history. It created ripples in the history of the world that were felt all over. Millions of men, women and children were affected in the entire nation; of course, it wasn’t until the end of the war that America became the one free country that we now know it as.

Now the first thing that a person thinks of when you hear the term ‘civil war’ is the supplies. Any war for that matter is hugely dependent on supplies of all sorts, daily needs, and the basic requirements to artillery, arms, and ammunition. But as we are discussing American Civil War here, the Civil War Sutler will definitely find mention. The sutler, as the name itself lets you find out, provided all sorts of supplies to the men fighting the war. A Sutler would generally carry his belongings and follow troops, would take due consent from the concerned Commander and then set up shop right across the defense line selling his wares like coffee, tobacco and sugar etc. 

Apart from these non-military supplies, a sutler would be the provider of all the major sources of entertainment for a soldier; gambling, drinking and other means to keep young soldiers occupied in the right way to keep them out of the way of harm. These businesses welcomed travelers too, anyone who was willing to spend. These days the name merely applies to establishments who provide uniforms and other Civil War reenactment paraphernalia to actors and the like. And it is big business, let’s not forget the numerous cities where the war enactment is a way of life, what with many societies formed for the same. For any items which are a must for any Civil War reenactment, visit  

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