Friday, August 2, 2013

The Colors Behind Civil War Clothing

Civil war clothing was created to avoid confusion in the battlefield. The uniform was implemented so men on the same team would not kill each other on the battlefield. Just imagine thousands of men battling without a uniform, chances are they will not be able to identify their enemy and may mistake their comrades as the enemy. Also, these soldiers don’t know every single soldier on their side so it would be hard for them to tell if a certain soldier is their comrade or their enemy. Interestingly, the purpose of the civil war uniforms didn’t start that way as both sides were not prepared to head on the battlefield with each other.

Prior to the war, uniforms were handed out to soldiers and would often have different styles, colors and materials. The style and the material of the uniform would vary on which state or city the soldier came from since it’s distributed by their respective state. The north army wanted to give all their soldiers to use navy blue uniforms but sometimes they run out of blue clothes thus some had to use grey uniforms instead. This posed as a big problem since the Confederates use grey uniforms. As a natural result, soldiers were confused on the battlefield because of the lack of consistency in the uniforms.

Earlier in the war, some soldiers accidentally killed their comrades because they thought that he belongs to the other side. In the natural course of event, the uniform and their color became standard for every soldier where the South Confederates wear grey and the North Union wear navy blue uniforms. This is why when civil war sides are being discussed you will hear some people using the color blue or grey as a reference to the two sides of the civil war. The navy blue color is native to the Union. On the other hand the grey color became native for the Confederates.

A typical North Union uniform would be made up of a navy blue or dark blue coat made of wool. They are also given light blue trousers and a dark forage cap. They are given brogans for their shoes that go up to the ankles of the soldiers. To know which state the soldier came from of what rank he is in, they use different brightly colored buttons, badges and piping for identification. The uniform became an official representation of the Union army in 1862.

On the other hand, the Confederates used light blue trousers and waist length grey coats. They chose the color grey because it was cheaper to make. Some of their uniforms use yellow or green trimmings. Costs and lack of materials for uniforms was a big issue during the war and the many Confederate soldiers have to suffer for it. Their soldiers did not have adequate uniforms and shoes. Some soldiers even have to go to war without shoes. Their official uniform design was implemented 1863. If you are interested on civil war uniforms forsale, you can go to